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Why Do You Suddenly Have Cavities? 3 Possible Reasons

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Has your dentist suddenly informed you that you have several cavities, after years of being cavity free? Usually, this is a sign that something about your lifestyle or the way you care for your teeth has changed, but it's not always immediately obvious just what that change may be. Here's a look at three possible reasons for your recent increase in cavities.

You've been using too many or too harsh of whitening treatments.

Have you been having your teeth whitened at an unscrupulous booth at the mall? Maybe you've been using off-brand or cheap at-home whitening products. Some whitening products can weaken the tooth enamel and leave you susceptible to cavities. If you think this may be your problem, take a break from whitening, and if you do go back to whitening, ask your dentist to recommend a product that is safe and effective. Then, remember to use it only as often as is recommended in the instructions so you don't cause any more damage to your teeth. If your enamel is especially weak, your dentist may recommend against using whitening products entirely.

You're now drinking water that contains no fluoride.

Fluoride is a mineral that is essential for strong tooth enamel. Many municipal water supplies are fortified with fluoride. However, if you recently moved to an area where the water is not fluoridated, or you began drinking bottled water that does not contain fluoride, your enamel may be becoming weaker, allowing you to develop cavities. Check with your municipality to see if there is fluoride in the water, or switch to a fortified bottled water brand. Your dentist can also recommend a fluoride rinse to bring up your levels and hopefully prevent future cavities.

You've switched beverages to one that contains sugar.

What do you drink all day? Has the answer to that question changed recently? A lot of people have begun drinking more juice during the day because they want the vitamins and minerals it contains. Some have switched to tea, but may be drinking pre-made teas that have sugar in them. If your new drink of choice contains sugar, as do juices and some teas, you're increasing your risk of tooth decay. Switch to plain water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee, and you should have fewer cavity issues in the future. Save juice and other sweet beverages for mealtime, when you can brush soon after drinking them.

If you're suddenly developed a number of cavities, it's important to figure out why. This way, you can prevent the issue from getting any worse. Visit a dentist like Dr. Sudharani V Chary if you have any questions.
