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3 Key Benefits Of Choosing Sedation Dentistry

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There are many reasons why some individuals avoid going to a dentist. Some of them have what is referred to as dental anxiety. It can be from past experiences that may date back decades, or it might be a misconception that dental procedures are painful. Sometimes children have dental anxiety despite having no few dental visits in their medical histories. It is never a good idea to avoid routine dental visits. Sedation dentistry offers a solution to individuals who have anxiety about dental appointments, low pain thresholds, or difficulty sitting still. The following points identify a few of the advantages.

Various Sedation Options

Dentists can administer anesthesia that affects the cognitive abilities of individuals or they can use local anesthetics to numb areas. Local anesthetics provide numbness and patients are awake and aware of their surroundings. They might be able to feel pressure or movements in their mouths, but there will not be any pain. It might be used in combination with anesthesia.

The type of anesthesia administered will depend on individual needs which are determined by an assessment. The sedation options are oral and IV sedation or nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Oral sedation involves taking a medication by mouth to produce the sedated effects. IV sedation is administered through a vein. Nitrous oxide is inhaled, and individuals have a mask on their faces during the procedure to distribute the gas. 

Reduced Anxiety

Sedation works because it can offer amnesia-like results or produce a sense of relaxation. Some types of anesthesia such as laughing gas result in patients not remembering anything about their procedures or very little. What they remember is likely to be in nonsensical order of how things actually went. Reduced anxiety is ideal because it can gradually create stronger bonds of trust between individuals and their dentists. It also reduces the chances of individuals skipping appointments due to fears. Skipped appointments can lead to issues such as tooth decay or undiagnosed gum disease, which may advance and be complex to treat. 

Faster Appointments

Sometimes dental anxiety is heightened by the time that individuals have to sit in the examination chair. Sedation can aid in faster appointment completion because individuals will be sitting still due to the effects of the medication. The degree of their sedation will determine whether they are alert or in a sleeplike state during procedures. Regardless of the type of anesthesia used, the recovery time is fast. Individuals will become more alert as time passes, and their dentists will advise them of when they can return to normal activities.
