Choose a Pediatric Dentist for Your Child's Smile

3 Things To Expect When Your Young Child Gets A Filling

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If you find out that your young child has a cavity and needs to get a filling, you may not be sure exactly how the procedure works. This article will discuss 3 things to expect when your young child gets a filling.  They Will Be Put Under Anesthesia Because your child is so young and would likely be incredibly stressed if they were kept awake while getting their filling, they will be put under anesthesia. Read More»

Come on, Baby, Don't Fear the...Dentist! Useful Tips for Dental Phobia

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Some people are terrified of spiders. There are folks who are petrified of heights. And then there are people like you who are left in terror when they have to visit the dentist. Even though some people scoff at the idea of being frightened of the healthcare provider trained to care for your teeth, dental phobia is a real thing, and it is a really scary thing if you are the poor patient who gets freaked out at the mere idea. Read More»

Prevent Premature Tooth Loss: 2 Steps To Protect Against Gum Disease

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When it comes to gum disease, what you don’t know can hurt you. In fact, what you don’t know can lead to premature tooth loss. If you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease, you need to follow your dentist’s treatment plan. Without proper follow up care, gum disease can return. Unfortunately, once the condition returns, there’s a greater likelihood that you’ll lose some, or all, of your teeth. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults. Read More»

What Does Your Dentist Know About Your Health? It Could Be A Lot More Than You Realize!

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What does your dentist know about you that you don’t? It turns out, it could be a lot of things. While most people think of their yearly visit to the dentist as nothing more than a routine cleaning and a check into their oral health, your dentist could actually be the first person to realize that you’re suffering from a serious medical issue. Many systemic diseases have oral manifestations that can be overlooked by regular doctors. Read More»

Tooth Whitening Options

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There are several options for tooth whitening. Here are some of the most common choices  Home Tooth Whitening Products Many products have come on the market that claim to give consumers the opportunity to whiten their teeth at home. They often use the same chemicals that professional dental whitening uses but in much smaller quantities to prevent the hazards of overuse. Whitening strips are one common option that has users put plastic strips over their teeth to apply the whitening chemicals. Read More»