With some pains, you can try to put them out of your head and go about your business. Then, there are other types of pain that stop you in your tracks. They become the only thing that you can think of. They can make it hard to think, work, sleep, and do any of the other things you normally do on a daily basis. This article will walk you through some of the ways you can get a break from that awful pain until you are able to get in to see the dentist. Read More»
It’s easy to envy someone who has a vibrant, beautiful smile. When others’ pearly whites shine bright, it can be a reminder of all the things that you may be doing to sabotage your own lovely smile. Instead of wasting time on envy, follow their lead. Develop these six essential habits, and you may soon find yourself being someone with healthy teeth yourself.
Habit #1: They Brush Their Teeth for At Least Two Minutes at a Time Read More»
If you find out that your young child has a cavity and needs to get a filling, you may not be sure exactly how the procedure works. This article will discuss 3 things to expect when your young child gets a filling.
They Will Be Put Under Anesthesia
Because your child is so young and would likely be incredibly stressed if they were kept awake while getting their filling, they will be put under anesthesia. Read More»
Some people are terrified of spiders. There are folks who are petrified of heights. And then there are people like you who are left in terror when they have to visit the dentist. Even though some people scoff at the idea of being frightened of the healthcare provider trained to care for your teeth, dental phobia is a real thing, and it is a really scary thing if you are the poor patient who gets freaked out at the mere idea. Read More»
When it comes to gum disease, what you don’t know can hurt you. In fact, what you don’t know can lead to premature tooth loss. If you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease, you need to follow your dentist’s treatment plan. Without proper follow up care, gum disease can return. Unfortunately, once the condition returns, there’s a greater likelihood that you’ll lose some, or all, of your teeth. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults. Read More»