Choose a Pediatric Dentist for Your Child's Smile

Why Do Your Teeth Feel Brittle?

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Your regular dental checkups allow a dentist to identify potential problems in their early stages of development, meaning that the necessary intervention is far less involved. This only works if you actually go to those checkups at your local dental clinic. Teeth that have become brittle haven’t done so overnight. It will have been a slow, drawn-out process, but what are some of the reasons why your teeth have become brittle? Read More»

Why Choose Laser Dentistry Over Other Dental Care?

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Laser dentistry is not entirely new, but it’s not a dentistry care style that many patients know about. Why consider laser dental care over other types of dental care? Learn why this is something you can consider speaking to your dentist about for both you and your family. Laser dentistry is non-invasive In laser dentistry, a laser is used to treat a variety of dental issues instead of other more common dental tools, such as dental picks and drills. Read More»

5 Tips To Make Wearing Dentures More Comfortable

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Your teeth are supposed to be with you for your entire life; however, that is not always the case, which is where dentures come into play. Dentures can make it easier to talk, eat, and smile when you have lost your upper or lower teeth. With dentures, you will need to make adjustments to ensure wearing and having them is an enjoyable experience. Tip #1: Clean Them Everyday Just like with your regular teeth, you need to clean your dentures every day. Read More»

5 Reasons To Choose A Dental Implant Over A Flipper

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There are many differences between a dental flipper or partial denture and a dental implant. One of the biggest differences between these two treatments is cost. This difference is enough to put some patients off dental implants. But although they are more expensive, dental implants do have many advantages over dental flippers. If you aren’t sure whether to choose a dental flipper or a dental implant to replace your lost tooth, consider the following benefits offered by dental implants. Read More»

4 Ways You Might Be Damaging Your Child's Teeth

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Parents strive to provide their children with the best of care. Unfortunately, many parents engage in behaviors that could inadvertently be damaging to their children’s oral health. Proper oral care should begin the day a child is born. Establishing healthy practices and monitoring your child’s teeth and gums regularly will help the child maintain strong and healthy teeth over their lifetime. Ask yourself if you might be engaging in any of these four behaviors that have the potential to damage your child’s teeth. Read More»