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Reasons Short Dental Implants May Be Used To Secure Your Dentures

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If you are planning to have dentures installed, you may also need to undergo a procedure to have dental implants placed. Traditional dentures do not require dental implants for stabilization. Instead, they are held in place by the natural suction of your mouth. However, because dentures can still sometimes slip or move from position as you eat or speak, you may prefer the stabilization that is provided by an implant-supported denture. Read More»

Three Ways To Tell If Your Dental Implants Need Help

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If you’ve recently gotten dental implants, no doubt you’re happy to have teeth that you don’t have to remove. Implants are among the more common cosmetic and functional dentistry procedures performed today, but sometimes the implants don’t take to a jaw that well. Reasons can run from poor bone structure to post-operative trauma, but regardless of the reason, a failing implant needs to be handled immediately. Here are three signs you need to look for to determine if your implants need attention fast. Read More»

2 Home Remedies For Relieving Your Mouth Soreness After Dental Implant Post Insertion

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If you have gone through dental implant post insertion within the past couple of days, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do at home to relieve your sore gums. If so, use one or both of the following home remedies for reducing the inflammation and alleviating the discomfort using ingredients found in the pharmacy department. Peppermint Oil And Chamomile Tea Bag Poultice This remedy combines the pain relieving property of peppermint oil with the anti-inflammatory agent found in chamomile. Read More»

Braces Starting To Become Loose? Know What You Can Do About It

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Once you’ve worn your braces for a little bit, you know the way they should feel when the braces fit with the proper tightness. This should help you notice signs that the braces are starting to loosen. By understanding why they loosen and how to handle it, you’ll be prepared for this annoying complication. Why Braces Loosen Braces can become loose for a variety of reasons, but the most common reason can be from bad habits that you should have broken before you had your braces put on. Read More»

Questions And Answers About Dental Implants

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Teeth can be lost for a number of reasons, such as an extreme case of dental decay or blunt force trauma. However, in most instances, the tooth can be replaced using a dental implant.  The implant, which is surgically installed in a dental office, is actually a metal rod or screw that is drilled into the jawbone to serve as a prosthetic root for a replacement tooth. Here are a few questions and answers concerning this prosthetic dental device: Read More»